Monday 13 September 2010

Next Meeting

In addition to the letters below to Charlotte Graves and Graham Loveland/Michael Garvey, we have updated local councillors requesting further assistance from them. The Kingsland Conservation Area Advisory Committee have also ensured us of their support

The next Lockner TRA meeting will be held on the 6th October 2010 at the Lockner Community Flat - starting at 7pm. This is our Annual General Meeting. Officer positions and committee member positions will be elected and voted for, there will be general updates about works on Lockner, and the gates issue will be discussed and updates provided. We have invited a Hackney Homes representative and will invite local councillors to attend.

Hope to see you there. Please spread the word to neighbours.

Letter to Charlotte Graves, Chief Executive, Hackney Homes

Charlotte Graves
Chief Executive
Hackney Homes
Christopher Addison House
72 Wilton Way
E8 1BJ

15 September 2010

Planning Application 2010/1577

Dear Ms Graves,

I wrote to you on 19 August regarding Hackney Homes' planning application to install security gates and fences on the Lockner Estate (application number 2010/1577) enclosing a petition of objection from residents on the estate. I regret that I have not yet received a reply.

I am writing again because I was alarmed to hear last week from Michael Garvey, Hackney Council planning officer, that he feels, given Hackney Homes' strong support for the proposal, that he has no choice but to recommend it for approval by the planning sub-committee on 3 November 2010. This is despite a commitment made by a spokesperson for Hackney Homes just last week that "if residents are not in favour of this option, it will not be further considered" (Hackney Gazette, 9 September p.17, enclosed).

I would be grateful if you could let me know what, in addition to our recent petition and the many letters and forms the planning office has received in opposition to the proposal, we need to do as a Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) to make the opinions of residents clear to Hackney Homes?
The main grounds for opposition are (1) aesthetic: our estate is in a conservation area and the gates will do nothing to enhance or preserve its open plan design, nor will they enhance the look of De Beauvoir Square which is a statutorily protected London Square; (2) practical: disabled access will be reduced, it will be more difficult for visitors/deliveries, and the gate are liable to break; and (3) social: most residents prefer the estate as an open friendly space rather than being fenced off, they are concerned about the nuisance caused by door intercom buzzers going off at night; gates will make the area feel less welcoming and could lead to the estate seeming more dangerous rather than safer, and, by not integrating with the area, the gates may further stigmatise residents on the estate and reduce, rather than improve, social cohesion.
We are aware that a survey was carried out by Hackney Homes in 2008 that received 74 responses, with two thirds being in favour. We believe, however, that this consultation was badly worded and, as a result, poorly understood. Indeed, I am aware of residents who supported the proposal in 2008 but who are now very strongly opposed. In addition, the numbers in opposition to the scheme today outweigh the number of original positive responses in 2008. Furthermore, the spokesperson for Hackney Homes quoted in the Hackney Gazette said that "there is no intention of putting up security gates on the estate" and urged residents to get in contact to discuss how they would like to see the estate improved. In light of this, I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss this issue further.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards, 
cc.        M. Garvey, Planning Officer, Hackney Council
Cllrs. R. Chapmen, T. Ebutt, G. Icoz
M. Hillier, MP
F. Derbyshire, Chairperson, De Beauvoir Association
J. Pipe, Mayor of Hackney

Letter to Graham Loveland/Michael Garvey - Hackney Homes Planning offcer/Assistant Director

Planning Application: 2010/1577 – Lockner Estate gates and fences

14 September 2010

Dear Mr Loveland,
In a telephone conversation on Friday 10 September, Mr Garvey, planning officer, informed me that he has “no choice” but to recommend planning application 2010/1577 for approval by the Planning Sub-Committee on 3 November 2010.
I regret this decision but accept that perhaps you are powerless, procedurally, to reach an alternative conclusion. Our members, however, are likely to be upset and confused by Mr Garvey’s recommendation that the proposal is approved. As you know, many residents have lodged objections and signed a petition protesting the proposal; indeed, an article outlining their objections recently appeared in the Hackney Gazette 9 September p.17.
It would be helpful, therefore, if you could supply me with a copy of the document detailing the grounds on which this decision to approve the application has been made. I can then pass this on, and explain your position, to our members and people concerned in the wider community. In particular, I assume this document, which must already exist, addresses the following three areas of concern:
  1. Objections lodged: the number of objections lodged; the grounds on which these objections have been dismissed; and, how these objections will be presented to the members of the Planning Sub-Committee.
  2. Issues relating to the Conservation Area and Protected London Square: how the proposal preserves and enhances the area, in particular how it will enhance the appearance of De Beauvoir Square (according to Hackney Local Plan Policies, the Council will ensure that any development of areas adjacent to the square will enhance its appearance:; the response from the Hackney Council Conservation and Urban Design Team to the proposal or, if they have not responded, a copy of Mr Garvey’s letter to them requesting their input; the response of the local Conservation Area Advisory Committee to the proposal or, if they have not responded, a copy of your letter to them requesting their input; and, the response from English Heritage regarding Conservation Area consent since the proposal affects the appearance of an area greater than 1,000m2 or, if they have not responded, a copy of your letter to them requesting their input (see p.43 Statement of Community Involvement, Nov 2006).
  3. the Consultation process: the basis for determining that the consultation for this proposal has been adequate despite consisting of a single survey carried out over three years ago and in the face of current widespread objections; and, in connection with this, a copy of the consultation report Hackney Homes should have provided the Council (see s.5.31, p.15 Statement of Community Involvement Nov 2006).
I would grateful if you could send me the paperwork by the end of September because we have a Tenants and Residents’ Association (TRA) meeting on 6 October 2010 and I will need to copy and circulate the information. You would, of course, be most welcome to attend the meeting which will take place at the Lockner community Flat, 23 Blandford Court at 7pm.

Yours sincerely,

cc. M. Garvey, Planning Officer, Hackney Council
C. Graves, Chief Executive, Hackney Homes
Cllrs. R. Chapmen, T. Ebutt, G. Icoz
M. Hillier, MP
F. Derbyshire, Chairperson De Beauvoir Association

Friday 10 September 2010

Where to go now...

  • How do you want to move things forward?
  • Update local councillors?
  • Have another meeting?
  • Request a meeting with Charlotte Graves (Chief Executive of Hackney Homes), our fight seems to be arising from Hackney Homes?

Phone Conversation with Michael Garvey:

Mr Garvey suggested there was no need for a meeting, suggesting that we should talk on the telephone instead. This email was sent following the conversation:

Dear Mr Garvey,

Further to our telephone conversation today, please see my notes that I will be updating our residents with:

16.15, 10 Sept 2010:

  • Mr Garvey has been told that Hackney Homes carried out a consultation and residents wanted gates and fences. He is not sure when this happened and knows no more about a consultation with residents. (I am guessing this was the consultation in 2008 which demonstrated 74 responses, with two thirds being in favour. The consultation was badly worded and poorly understood. Our recent petition had 74 signatures, and he has received additional forms/letters and emails in opposition to the scheme).
  • Mr Garvey has received a lot of objections/forms/emails and letters from residents opposing the plans. He has not counted, but guesses the number to be 50+ in addition to our petition. He's surprised that based on this opposition Hackney Homes are requesting planning permission. However seeing as Hackney Homes are the applicants for the planning, not the council, "residents opinions are of no concern".
  • Consultation with residents is not of concern to the planning office - this is under the remit of Hackney Homes. From what he has been told, Hackney Homes have consulted - and wish to proceed.
  • The police and designers are also pushing to proceed.
  • Based on the above he has no choice to recommend the proposal for approval - it will go to committee on 3rd November 2010, 6.30pm at the Town Hall. To register to speak at this committee meeting we need to contact Emma Terry 020 8356 3338 - there will be no more than a few people allowed to speak, as the information is "likely to be repetitive anyway".
I hope that I have recorded our conversation accurately and have a good understanding of the situation.

I look forward to seing you at the committee meeting on 3rd November.

Kind Regards,

Lisa Linpower

Email from the Mayor of Hackney

Dear Ms Linpower

Re: Security Fence and Gates on Lockner Estate

Thank you for your email regarding the above matter, which was received in my office on 14th August 2010.  Thank you also for your letter on behalf of the Lockner & Kingsgate Resident Association.  I am sorry to hear of your concerns.

Hackney Homes have advised me that in response to concerns about safety and security on the estate, they consulted residents on a proposal for a security fence in 2008. I have been advised that the results of this consultation were that 74 responses were received, with two-thirds being in favour of the proposal. I understand that at that time residents were advised that Hackney Homes were seeking an opinion from the Planning department in order to proceed to outline design stage, and that as soon as the Planning department had provided their observations, Hackney Homes would hold a public drop-in session on the estate. This would allow residents to see the outline drawings and afford them the opportunity of making their own contribution to any specific areas of concern. I understand that, after this, any agreed changes could be incorporated and detailed designs submitted in order to obtain full planning approval. I understand that the application to Planning was not submitted at that time, and it is only now that approval is being sought.

The Council's Planning service have assured me that when the planning application for the installation of security fences and gates on the Lockner Estate is processed, they will carefully consider the implications for both community safety and for the appearance of the estate.  They will also take into account the numerous objections that have been received from local residents. I have been assured that your concerns and those of the Lockner & Kingsgate Resident Associaion have been passed to the Planning service for their consideration. If the application is to be recommended for approval then it will be decided by the Planning Sub-Committee.  If you have any further queries regarding the current application please contact Micheal Garvey, Planning Officer, on 020 8356 8053, or at

However, despite the submission of a planning application, Hackney Homes have advised me that the security fence and gates at Lockner Estate do not form part of this year's works programme, and that it will not be in any future programme until they have consulted again with both the TRA and residents. Hackney Homes have assured me that this project will not be carried out unless and until they have established a clear mandate from residents to proceed. Hackney Homes have explained that because they would require planning approval if they were to decide to proceed at some point in the future, they decided to proceed with a planning application now.

I do acknowledge your concerns about the application. However, as Mayor I have no control or influence over planning decisions. The planning process is a quasi-judicial one involving councillors making decisions within a quite rigid framework, and it would therefore be inappropriate for me to become involved in the decisions taken in individual cases.  I hope you will be reassured, however, that Hackney Homes have no immediate plans to proceed with this work and have committed to further consultation in the future.

Yours sincerely

Jules Pipe
Mayor of Hackney

Hackney Gazette

Saturday 4 September 2010

Email chasing Planning Officers Superior:

From: Lockner & Kingsgate TRA <>
Date: Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 5:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: Planning application 2010/1577 Gates and Fences - Lockner Estate

Dear Mr Lovelend,

I am writing from the Lockner Tenants and Residents Association.

We have still not managed to secure a meeting with Mr Garvey, despite his promise to arrange a meeting. My last email (see below) bounced back advising he was on holiday. In his absence, please could we arrange a meeting with yourself to discuss residents opposition to the installation of gates and fences on Lockner.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Lisa Linpower
Chair - Lockner TRA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lockner & Kingsgate TRA <>
Date: Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Planning application 2010/1577 Gates and Fences - Lockner Estate
To: Micheal Garvey <
Cc: Francine Rump

Hi Mr Garvey,

I still haven't heard from you regarding a meeting.

Please could you contact me at your earliest convenience. My mobile is: 07879 630 6*6.

Kind Regards,

Lisa Linpower

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 4:54 PM, Micheal Garvey <> wrote:
Dear lisa
I will contact you shortly to arrange a meeting
Regards Micheal
-----Original Message-----
From: Lockner & Kingsgate TRA
Sent: 16 August 2010 14:05
To: Micheal Garvey
Cc: Francine Rump
Subject: Planning application 2010/1577 Gates and Fences - Lockner Estate
Dear Mr. Garvey,

I hope you have had a pleasant holiday and are settled back to work.

I am the chair of the Tenants and Residents Association on Lockner Estate. I am writing to request a meeting with you to discuss the proposed plans for security gates and fences on the Lockner Estate (Ref: 2010/1577).

I would appreciate it if you could contact me at your earliest convenience to arrange a time and date.

Kind Regards,

Lisa Linpower
Chair - Lockner and Kingsgate TRA

Friday 3 September 2010